
Our People

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

...and at The Ellis School, we have a whole community! Our expert educators, coaches, mentors, staff, and advisors band together to work toward one common goal: preparing, empowering, and inspiring each and every girl who steps through the Ellis gates. Our community members serve as positive role models for Ellis students, advocating for their success and guiding them throughout the educational process.

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Faculty and Staff Directory

Macon Finley, Head of School

Named to her position in October 2016, Macon Finley began her tenure as the fifteenth Head of The Ellis School on July 1, 2017.
Ms. Finley joined Ellis from John Burroughs School in St. Louis, Missouri. During her seventeen years at John Burroughs School, Mrs. Finley served in various positions, including Mathematics teacher, Principal, Director of Academics, 作为副校长,她在加强对学生的支持方面发挥了关键作用, recruiting outstanding faculty, enhancing professional development, and developing plans for a new science, technology, and research facility.
Ms. Finley’s service to John Burroughs School included participation in the Diversity, Education, and Values committees of the Board. She served as an Admissions interviewer and member of the Admissions Decisions Committee, chair of the Faculty Executive Committee, faculty sponsor of the Student Gender Equity Organization, co-chair of the Faculty Diversity Committee, and as a college counselor and student advisor.
Prior to joining the John Burroughs School, Ms. Finley曾在Ralston Purina和Pacific Gas and Electric Company的企业部门担任产品经理和市场研究分析师, respectively. Early in her career, she worked for Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri and at Stanford University as a Research Assistant in Biostatistics.
Ms. Finley earned a B.A. 以优异成绩获得统计学学位,并获得普林斯顿大学终身数学教师证书.B.A. as an Arjay Miller Scholar from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Mrs. Finley was active in the St. Louis community with leadership roles at the St. Louis Regional Child Care Partnership, Junior League of St. Louis, and University United Methodist Church. She and her husband Peter have three grown children together—a daughter and two sons. Mrs. and Mr. 芬利和他们心爱的金毛猎犬斯科特于2017年6月搬到了匹兹堡东区.

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Board of Trustees

List of 18 members.

  • Sarah Bumsted 

  • Lesley Carlin 

  • Stephen Chen 

  • Shanan Guinn 

  • Patrick Koeppl 

  • Charles Krimmel 

  • Dora Magovern 

  • Crystal McCormick Ware 

  • Christine Nalitz 

  • Marni Pastor 

  • Tomar Pierson-Brown 

  • Kimberly Roberts 

  • Barbara Rosston 

  • Joseph Schmid 

  • Colleen Simonds 

  • Corinne Smith 

  • Ariana Smyth 

  • Jill Swensen